Yesterday I hosted a webinar called ‘Secrets to Hunting Big Sales in Tough Times.’ One of the viewer’s questions was about getting in with the right decision maker. The reason I mention it is because this question always comes up…and I know why. It’s the first big challenge in the sales process and if you can’t figure this out, there often isn’t a second challenge. So when I responded to this viewer, I offered the idea of “The Triples.”

The Triples is a way of packaging your message for voicemail that is compelling in the language of executives, not managers. Manager language is the language of schedules, budgets and key performance indicators. In these times, that language shows up due to a real resistance to doing anything new or changing any current vendor. Executive language, on the other hand, is the language of Time, Money and Risk. Using this language of Time, Money and Risk, the way to craft your message is to focus on 3 sets of 3:

  • 3 Business Problems
  • 3 Business Outcomes
  • 3 Current Users of your products or services that are solving the business problems and achieving the outcomes of your solutions

Listen to the webinar HERE and you can hear in much more detail how this works and why it’s so successful.

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