I just lost 20 lbs in 20 weeks.

If you want to do the same, you don’t have to buy anything, read any more than the next couple hundred words and the same basic approach will make you rich through selling more big sales.

Here’s the formula:

  1. Eat like you know you are supposed to.
  2. Drink more water.
  3. Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
  4. Workout for 1 hour every day, 6 days out of 7. Do 4 days cardio, 2 days weights.
  5. Have more sex. (This is actually not really a part of the formula, but it can’t hurt).

That’s it. Works like a charm. See – no crazy point system, no boxes of high-priced food shipped to your door, no meetings and no dangerous supplements.

You’re welcome.

What’s this have to do with sales?

The formula is almost exactly the same…and unfortunately the success rate is about the same, as well. You see, the issue is not in the knowing, it is in the doing. For the sake of having a formula, here’s what is necessary for landing large sales:

  1. Sell only those companies who are ready and worthy of the gift of working with you.
  2. Focus on solving big problems for big people who can financially measure the value of big changes in their outcomes.
  3. Have your executive team meet every week, (because that is who closes really big deals, not just sales people on their own), and work through your pipeline of large sales targets as a process.
  4. Sell to people with titles that are 1-2 steps up in the prospect organization’s chart.
  5. Believe that it will work and hunt with more resources from your company than you have ever used.

Once again, you’re welcome.

Now that you know the formula, let’s be honest, you probably aren’t going to either get thinner or land more deals. Knowing is not the problem.

How do you change your habits and behaviors to get the outcomes that you want? Here are 5 simple ways that really work-

  1. Get a trainer or coach– Having an outside resource that keeps you on plan, pushes you through the days that are not fun and can coach when you need advice. People with trainers or coaches get QUADRUPLE the results of people without. I do this work, but so do many others- Regardless of whom it is, you will do better if you get one.
  2. Establish a plan – The results you are seeking take some time. Most of our clients see real traction in less than 90-120 days, but that is still a long time unless you understand that it is part of a plan, laid out and visible to all.
  3. Trust habits, not intentions – Getting better is about better habits. This is a behavior model that is timeless. Not only do you have to have the plan, but you have to have the clear actions necessary on a regular schedule for success. Make certain these behavior changes are baked into the plan.
  4. Track and reward your progress, not just the destination – If the only time that there will be any excitement or reward is when you have lost the 20 pounds or landed your biggest deal ever, then you won’t get there. Organizations need some care and feeding along the way in order to feel that they are on course and that the changes and choices are making a difference. Set up the measures and milestones so that everyone knows when it’s weigh-in time and we check our progress or re-adjust our plan.
  5. Setbacks are not failures – Just because you blow a week, or a deal or a meeting does not mean that you give up. There are going to be setbacks. You have to learn from them, make corrections and move forward.

There are shortcuts, best practices to follow and great examples to be inspired by. You can find lots of all of these on this site and in the archives provided at Hunt Big Sales" href="http://www.huntbigsales.com">huntbigsales.com.

There isn’t a magic pill that is safe or sustainable for life for losing and controlling weight, just like there isn’t one for landing big sales. The ideas are straight-forward, so stop looking for a better plan only; work on the discipline to execute the simple ideas every day.

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