We might think that a sales strategy and a business strategy are synonymous — but the savvy leader knows they are not. They should, however, […]

We might think that a sales strategy and a business strategy are synonymous — but the savvy leader knows they are not. They should, however, […]
We all deal with it, worry about it, and anticipate it before landing big sales: price resistance. If you had a dollar for every time […]
EelNoun 1. (sealife) a snake-like fish with a slender body, proverbial known for its slipperiness. 2. (business jargon) the gatekeepers, deal spoilers, and nay-sayers at […]
There’s an old adage that children and animals can both smell fear. We think it is every bit as true for buyers. When you show […]
An old adage says businesses don’t get better by chance, they get better by change. However, change — to our value frameworks, strategic selling processes, […]
Ask the question: “Am I trying not to lose?” If your sincere answer is YES, then you are not taking risks. If you are selling […]
HBS new website and brand identity captures some of the energy and results they have delivered to 187 of the Fortune 500 in the US.
2021 shows us there has been a dramatic shift in the selling process and value proposition calculation by prospects and customers. Here are our 3 1/2 lessons coming out of 2021.
It helps to have a baseline for what is going on in the world of selling as you are considering strategy and focus. Here are our information, insights, and recommendations.
At some point, we all say dumb things. It is natural and human, but for all our communication abilities, salespeople can say the darnedest things! […]
There is always a “meeting after the meeting” in a big sale. Hardly ever is the real decision made at the table while you are […]
In the military academies, seniors preparing for their oral exams use two key processes for preparation and improvement called Murder Board and Hot Washes. These […]